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 While current culture is divided on the abortion issue, we search the scriptures and ask ourselves, "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

As a 22-year-old Christian who actively works in the body of Christ, I have noticed a startling trend in the worldview and belief systems of my Christian peers. When the issue, the sanctity of life, arises, it seems that young Christians split into three groups: the group of silence, the group of misplaced compassion, and those who ask, What does the Bible say about abortion? (a.k.a. the people of the Word). Let me attempt to break down these three groups generally to have a clearer picture of our movement’s current complications.

The Group of Silence

The “Group of Silence” consists of people who are typically familiar with the biblical emphasis on the value of life. This group generally agrees with the Bible’s assertion that, from the womb to tomb, life should be protected. However, their internal agreement with scripture remains locked within their fearful hearts. 

The Group of Misplaced Compassion

Many young Christians hold misplaced compassion favoring the situational fears of an unplanned pregnancy rather than showering mercy on the injustice of abortion.

Let me be very clear: Christians should display radical compassion toward ALL women who find themselves in a frightening pregnancy situation (1 Corinthians 16:14 and 1 John 4:8). However, our compassion must look different than that of the world. The world’s compassion will encourage women to have an abortion so they can follow their dreams and be successful. The compassion of Christ links arms with women and helps them believe that they will be great mothers. Most importantly, it equips them with the resources to continue following their dreams even after having their baby.

The People of the Word

This group consists of people who believe that life is worth defending. And they do this with words and actions. These people are not fearful about the world’s opinion of abortion; instead, they are only concerned with promoting Kingdom values.

From the peaceful protests of the March for Life to the cries that arose after the tragedy of George Floyd‘s passing, we find evidence that today’s young people are aching for Truth. The quest for Truth is a problem that only one man, Jesus Christ, can solve.

Being the body of Christ, the Church must take the initiative to extend our hands and hearts out to those who are desiring to know the Truth. Moreover, the Church must become the source of inspiration for those overcome with fear when considering speaking their views on abortion. This issue matters to God, so we must respond with acts of worship and surrender as we advocate on behalf of the defenseless.

What Does the Bible say about Abortion?

The Bible has a lot to say about abortion and the preborn. It consistently proclaims the utmost importance of protecting life in the womb. This portrayal is found in the Old and New Testament, particularly in the Psalms and in the life of Jesus while resting in Mary’s womb (Psalm 139, Psalm 51, Luke 1).

Scripture and Abortion

Two of my favorite passages where God emphasizes the value of life in the womb and His compassionate care for the preborn is found in Jeremiah 1:4-5 and Isaiah 49:1b. Both passages are astonishingly similar, as each prophet is reflecting on their call from heaven. Jeremiah’s account reads:

"Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'"  - Jeremiah 1:4-5

Isaiah similarly writes with the same pattern of thought, saying:


"The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name."    -Isaiah 49:1b

Both Jeremiah and Isaiah consistently heard from the Lord and were used as God’s mouthpiece for His people. In their long-lasting, personal relationships with God, both remain convinced that they were appointed to complete Kingdom work while in the womb. Both of the prophets write as if, from God’s perspective, there is no barrier between prenatal and postnatal life. God sees life from the moment of conception. The biblical idea that God can form a personal relationship with his people in the womb is further evidence that preborn children possess full personhood.

How Can We Pray?

As a young Christian, I plead with my peers to take the Bible at its Word. I encourage them to humbly allow the beautiful, authoritative words of scripture to mold the worldview they hold. Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the life. His thoughts are so much higher and so much more significant than ours.

To whoever is reading these words, pray with me that God breaks our hearts for what breaks his. Let us pray that the “Group of Silence” and the “Group of Misplaced Compassion” would lay aside any thought patterns of the world to become a unified “People of the Word.” We must fight, and we must be united.



Jess Ford is a writer and preacher that desires to equip and inspire Christians to live the abundant life available to them through surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Jess is passionate about the pro-love movement and is the son of Embrace Grace President, Amy Ford. Jess’ testimony speaks to the value of life in the womb. Jess graduated from ORU in May of 2020 with a degree in theology, and moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas to get married to his wife, Audrey Ford.  Learn more about Jess through his website: www.jessford.org

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